Assets and Income

Asset and Income assessments and verification

We can use our range of databases and expertise to do comprehensive background checks which can provide insights into the persons or businesses income and assets.

Utilising public records, private databases combined with surveillance and analysis tools we can give you a comprehensive report on a person's/businesses income. By crosschecking asset ownership with this analysis we can give a breakdown of what their financial situation looks like. 

If your negotiating payments for children, spousal maintenance or business deals we can help give you information which may benefit you. Knowing the estimated income and assets of the person could prove invaluable in any negotiation where information is key to success. 

It is important to note that some information will be certain and evidenced however analysis tools and lifestyle evaluations are in there nature estimates.

Get in touch for a quote

Locating key assets & items

Discover the power of starting a private investigation to locate assets, having a dedicated investigations for locating, monitoring or tracing assets can ensure their safety, integrity & security. No matter the root cause if it has value then it is in your interests to have all of the available information.

We keep you up to date

We will contact regularly through out the investigation, usually daily. You can contact us any time during the investigation for an update.

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